12 Step Meeting List 3.16.2 Release
Sunday, 7:00 pm
Open meetings are available to anyone interested in Alcoholics Anonymous’ program of recovery from alcoholism. Nonalcoholics may attend open meetings as observers.
Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82615869556?pwd=SVBaYWlmdHhYd2piZDF0MFp0OXY2QT09 pwd=175893
While this meeting is aimed to allow our alumni to connect with clients still in treatment, the general public is more than welcome. Please be aware that you will be connected to clients in a treatment centre in earlier recovery. We strongly recommend that you follow the recommendations provided by the A.A. Safety Card. *Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our principals. Please respect this and treat in confidence who you see and hear.*
St. Albert
AB T8T 2A2
St. Albert
Sara featherstones new meeting poundmakers thursday 730 pm
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